Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Vilvam Tree that Survived

The Vilvam Tree that Survived

It stands tall, The Vilvam Tree

I do recall , The Vilvam Tree

Planted as a tiny sapling , The Vilvam Tree


The planter loved the growing sapling

For they said, ’It’s a healing tree’

For they said ,’It kills bad energy’

For they said, ‘It’s a sacred tree’


One day someone chopped it unaware

The root too was uprooted  un-spared

He cried

For it dried


The planter's heart went into sink

For they said, ’It’s a healing tree’

For they said ,’It kills bad energy’

For they said, ‘It’s a sacred tree’


Then the root was somehow put in

With belief that it would shoot up again

With faith and hope that it would regain

One fine day, it did regain



What a Joy!

It stands tall, The Vilvam Tree

I do recall , The Vilvam Tree

Planted as a tiny sapling , The Vilvam Tree


It grew with full foliage

Giving beautiful trifoliate herbage

It grew well to the planters amaze

And on it the sun did  blaze


Last week, I just watched the vilvam Tree

Almost denuded with just few leaves

I chanced upon the Vilvam this morn

With tiny fresh leaves like a new born


It is such a joy to see it spring

The tiny new leaves the branches bring

To watch it would make the planter sing

For the planter it is a precious thing


It stands tall, The Vilvam Tree

I do recall , The Vilvam Tree

Planted as a tiny sapling , The Vilvam Tree

                                                - Nandini Anandkumar



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