Friday, May 15, 2020

Let’s Heal The Earth

Let’s Heal The Earth

Earth Guardians 

Let’s heal  the Earth
And make it worth
For in its mirth
Lies our Rebirth

Let’s heal  the Earth
For its our hearth 
Earth our very home
Stop its fatal doom

Let’s heal  the Earth
For we’ve made it worst
By our springy prancies
To quench our undue whims and fancies

Let’s heal  the Earth
For what its worth
The animals may roam
The plants may bloom

Let’s heal  the Earth
For life and Birth
The rivers may flow
The sky may glow

Let’s heal  the Earth
To purify its breath
And inhale fresh
Without any rush
Let’s heal  the Earth
Be down to earth
Everything has a place
And everything in its place

The Earth will heal
On its own free zeal
Making us ill
If we do not feel
Let’s heal  the Earth
Replenish the dearth
By being not  greedy
And taking what’s needy

Let’s heal  the Earth
Before it spurts
And see our malign fate
A little too late
- Nandini Anandkumar


  1. Let’s heal the Earth
    For what its worth
    The animals may roam
    The plants may bloom...

    Beautiful lines,especially the above, the poem is relevant for today's times.

  2. Apt words woven beautifully, they make a fine poem! Expecting more from the poetess.

  3. Most needed thought for these days. Right words in right place gives Fresh Feel of Greenery.
