Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Face of Beauty

The Face of Beauty

Looked for the Face of Beauty
In what I thought was my Duty

Looked for the Face of Beauty
In all that I could fathom

Looked for the Face of Beauty
In the new-Mown Meadows and Green Grasses

Look for the Face of beauty
In the Majestic Mountains and  the salty sea

Looked for the Face of Beauty
In the Tall Trees and the Deep –Thick bushes

Looked for the Face of Beauty
In the Flying Birds and The Grazing Herds

Looked for the Face of Beauty
In the Red Roses and  the Fanciful Proposes

Looked for the Face of Beauty
In a Cute Child and the Wide Wild

Looked for the Face of Beauty
In Sweet Smiles and  Self Supporting Life Styles
Looked for the Face of Beauty
In Pretty Girls and Sparkling Pearls

Looked  for the face of beauty
In Delicious Dishes and Passionate Kisses

Looked  for the face of beauty
In the Shining Sun and the Glowing Moon

Looked  for the face of beauty
In the Vastness of the Ethereal Blue Sky

Looked  for the face of beauty
In the Eyes of my Beloved

The Beauty that I was looking for
I found it almost everywhere
But I found it more Profound
Deep down in  a Humble Heart
                                                - Nandini Anandkumar

1 comment:

  1. in the heart truly written. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹❤️
