Saturday, May 30, 2020

Why choose to be an Hypocrite?

Why choose to be an Hypocrite?       

Hypocrisy is contrivance of a false appearance of virtue or goodness while concealing real character traits especially with respect to moral beliefs while Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong principles. This poem is an effort to make peple think on what they choose to be an Hypocrite or a Man of Integrity

Why choose to be an Hypocrite

When one can be a man of one's words?




Hypocrisy longs to impress others

But misses the internal traits


Hypocrisy is pretension

Integrity is true self




Hypocrisy is double dealing

Integrity is trustworthiness


Hypocrisy is two facedness

Integrity is candidness




Hypocrisy is duplicity

Integrity is honesty


Hypocrisy is deceit

Integrity  is veracity




An hypocrite is an impostor

A man of one's words is original


Hypocrisy is transitory

Integrity has purity




Hypocrisy is wickedness

Integrity is righteousness


Hypocrisy is demoniac

Integrity is angelic




Practice what you preach

Says the scriptures

Why be an hypocrite

When one can be a man of Integrity?


Why be an Hypocrite

When one can be a man of Integrity?

Let’s choose to be men of Our words

Rather than an Hypocrite



Friday, May 29, 2020

To Tolerate or To Accept ?

To Tolerate or To Accept ?

We tolerate sometimes
We Accept sometimes
Let us ponder a little
To tolerate or To Accept?

Tolerance expects change
Acceptance accepts as it is
Tolerance is a forced action
Acceptance is a willful action

Tolerance may create internal stress
Acceptance will enhance emotional health
Tolerance is a hold to maintain relationship
Acceptance is love beyond differences

Tolerance is indifference
Acceptance needs compassion
Tolerance creates pain
Acceptance leads to happiness

Tolerance doesn’t attune to  others views
Acceptance understands others views
Tolerance is conditional
Acceptance is unconditional

Tolerance is a step forward
Acceptance is a solution
Tolerance may not give peace
Acceptance gives peace

Tolerance has its limits
Acceptance crosses all boundaries
Tolerance is related with I
Acceptance is related with Us

Tolerance is maturity at lower strata
Acceptance is a higher level of maturity
Tolerance poses superiority
Acceptance sees divinity

Tolerance is temporary
Acceptance is permanent
Tolerance is self-centered
Acceptance is expanding oneself

Tolerance is a weakness
Acceptance needs strength
Tolerance encompasses fear
Acceptance  is enveloped in love

We tolerate sometimes
We Accept sometimes
Let us ponder a little
To tolerate or To Accept?

                                                                                                          -Nandini Anandkumar

Lame is not a disability

Lame is not a disability  

The kitten was born

 on a fateful morn

It had its doom

With a leg deform

The kitten  was born lame

Or was its mother to blame

We did want to disclaim

For it may bring us some shame

Was it the mother’s fault

For its life almost ground to a halt

We thought it would be difficult

For it may not gestalt

It had a sibling

To which it did cling

The sibling looked pretty healthy

And this kitten was shamefully unhealthy

One fine morn

It lay under the teak

One fine morn

With ants on it at its peak

The  mother of the kitten

Did not seem to be smitten

Though its kitten was bitten

But its fate seemed to be written

We felt the kitten would die

For it was  breathing with sigh

We couldn’t pacify

And give any resupply

The sibling was bitten

By a creature glutton

All of a sudden

Without any summon

The sibling died

But this kitten survived

To our utter surprise

How did it thrive?

It raced on par with all other cats

And appeared aristocrat

And did overlap

In spite of the handicap

It is inspiring to watch

The little kitten overcome

All its disabilities

With its rule of thumb

Today it has grown

And indeed out shown

Every one in its zone

In spite of its prone

Lame is not disability

It is just a little debility

Can turn into ability

If the will has agility


- Nandini Anandkumar


Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Conscience - Listen to that voice within


The Conscience - Listen to that voice within

There is a voice within

To tell  the good from the bad

There is a voice within

To understand and be glad



There is a voice within

To oppose when wrong

There is a voice within

Which sings a truthful song

There is a voice within

Which prescribes  to take on the chin

There is a voice within

One can  subscribe and win



There is a voice within

To guide you in the path of truth

There is a voice within

That will ever make you soothe

There is a voice within

So clear and acute

There is a voice within

Too sincere to  excuse



Heeding to that voice

Will never get one wrong

Heeding to that voice

will always make one strong

Listen to that voice

When you get confused

Listen to that voice

Before you accuse



Listen to that voice

Never lock it down

Listen to that voice

for it will never let one down


Listen to that voice

When you feel messy

Listen to that voice

When you feel fussy



Listen to that voice

For it brings love

Listen to that voice

For it is where truth delve

Listen to that voice

For that is a Divine voice

Listen to that voice

For it is the Best choice



                -Nandini Anandkumar
