Thursday, June 11, 2020

Shades of Grey

Shades of Grey    

Shades of grey too

Can make one grow

Grey is gloom

But can make you bloom



Shades of grey too

Can make one grow

Grey is Dullness

But can lead to wellness

Shades of grey too

Can make one grow

Grey is grey matter

Which can work smarter



Shades of grey too

Can make one grow

Grey is Grey power

Their wisdom is immense power

Shades of grey too

Can make one grow

Grey is grey water

Use it to water the yard



Shades of grey too

Can make one grow

Grey conveys strength of black

Nearing power and elegance

Shades of grey too

Can make one grow

Grey is cool

Follow as a golden rule



Shades of grey too

Can make one grow

Grey nears white

Can make you light

Shades of grey too

Can make one grow

Grey is neutral

Being neutral is crucial



Shades of grey too

Can make one grow

Grey is Simplicity

To adapt is an ability

Grey is timeless

Though not flawless

Shades of grey too

Can make one grow


                                                - Nandini Anandkumar


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