Thursday, June 4, 2020

Come, Let’s laugh

                  Come, Let’s laugh   


       The giggling sound of the laughter spread

I could feel my heart go mirth

The rush of pink on my cheeks

I was laughing my heart out



I was laughing my heart out

For it was a chat with my childhood friends

The meaningless laughs for not a cause

Oh! What a feel it is to laugh


Oh1 What a feel it is to laugh

A sudden voice with decibels high

‘Are you out of your senses’

quietened me with a bit of tension


It quietened me all a sudden

The pinky rushes of cheeks was gone

As if the joy of soul was stolen

Striking a query in my mind,, ‘Is it a sin to laugh?


Is it a sin to laugh?

Said Charlie Chaplin the king of laughs

‘A day without laughter

Is a day wasted’


Laughter is the best medicine said Solomon

Why can’t it be followed by everyone

For laughter has its own health benefits

To create a general sense of well being


Come , Let’s laugh to our heart’s content

Come, Let’s laugh without any dissent

come, Let’s laugh to feel good all over

come. Let’s laugh to nourish the soul



- Nandini Anandkumar


1 comment:

  1. Yes laughter makes one feel good.
    Very nice 👌👍🌹
