Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Purity in Intention Matters

Purity in Intention Matters       

It was the Morning time

I was busy working

A call came

The mood changed



The mood changed

The thoughts waved

The negativity thrived

The purity of  intent waved

The purity of intent waved

The negativity thrived

Took the hand towel

And lo! A scorpion bit



Lo ! a scorpion bit

Realization dawned

Negativity pricks

Purity of intention matter

The work was  against me

 The intent to pull me down

I forgave, I  moved on

Could see  the doer’s downfall




Could see  the doer’s downfall

Realization dawned

Though it was not the intent

I really saw it happen

Purity of intention matter

Let it be on  your platter

Is part of spiritual journey

Beyond the earthly




Purity in intention matter

For the state of inner cleanliness

It Make things ethical

Makes things uplifting

Purity in intention matter

Attachments to objects is ignorance

Attachment to truth

Delivers it.



Purity in intention matter

Stick to what you do

Bother not the result

Keep doing what you do

Purity in intention matter

Not to find fault

But to do

What is right



Purity in intention matter

Connect to the voice within

It disciplines all impurities

Leads to path of pure deed

Purity in intention matter

Let it not scatter

Let’s hand something to others

Let be on a silver platter


                                                - Nandini Anandkumar


Thursday, June 11, 2020

Shades of Grey

Shades of Grey    

Shades of grey too

Can make one grow

Grey is gloom

But can make you bloom



Shades of grey too

Can make one grow

Grey is Dullness

But can lead to wellness

Shades of grey too

Can make one grow

Grey is grey matter

Which can work smarter



Shades of grey too

Can make one grow

Grey is Grey power

Their wisdom is immense power

Shades of grey too

Can make one grow

Grey is grey water

Use it to water the yard



Shades of grey too

Can make one grow

Grey conveys strength of black

Nearing power and elegance

Shades of grey too

Can make one grow

Grey is cool

Follow as a golden rule



Shades of grey too

Can make one grow

Grey nears white

Can make you light

Shades of grey too

Can make one grow

Grey is neutral

Being neutral is crucial



Shades of grey too

Can make one grow

Grey is Simplicity

To adapt is an ability

Grey is timeless

Though not flawless

Shades of grey too

Can make one grow


                                                - Nandini Anandkumar


Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Life of a Road

The Life of a Road 


How black and bright

Is the road when it’s new.

This black will become light

On it when feet and tyres grew

How bright is the road when

 it’s new!


Will it be the same sight

When the first rain

Showers from the height!

Yes How bright is the road

When it’s new!


What will be its plight

When the sun shows its might

Melt  the tar slight

Making it hot for feet with no wear

How bright is the road when

 it’s new!


On it falls the lamplights

When the streetlights too light

The black beauty will glow

How bright is the road when

 it’s new!


Oh! what a delight

To see the black in the headlight

when it carries vehicles through

How bright is the road when

 it’s new!


Sometimes it becomes a spotlight

When politicians socialite

In all its view

How bright is the road when

 it’s new!


The black  becomes a different sight

When cows rest overnight

And sit through

How bright is the road when

 it’s new!


When black reflects the moonlight

Oh! What a sight

To walk away your blues

How bright is the road when

 it’s new!


There comes a blight

With wear and tear

When potholes chew

How bright is the road when

 it’s new!


When stone and sand are supplied

When tar and gravel are applied

 the black  is again new

How bright is the road when

 it’s new!

                                                                        - Nandini Anandkumar


Saturday, June 6, 2020

Do Everything with Awareness

                            Do Everything with Awareness

Awareness is a concern about and well-informed interest in a particular situation or development.Many times we do things with focus on end result rather than on the process.This poem isa an effort to emphasis the readers on doing whatever they do with 100 percent involvement

Whatever you do
Do with awareness
In all  its fairness
For it works for your wellness

Awareness is a perception
Let’s do things with cent per cent connection
Without any deflection
To attain perfection
Awareness is a concern
Let us not ignore
For it may overturn
And may lead to a slow burn

Awareness is a knowledge
For us to manage
Without any leakage
To avoid any wreckage

Awareness is an interest
For the things entrust
Where we stand a witness
To mind our business

Doing things with awareness
Keeps you in the present
The focus is on the process
And not on the result

Doing things with awareness
Will make you insightful
It will give you direction
To just do and be successful

                                                - Nandini Anandkumar

Use words with Care

                  Use words with Care       

Words are full of power
They can empower
Words are Superpower
They can build great power

Words are full of power
They can be spiteful
Words can  make one feel shameful
They can be stressful
Words are full of  power
They can be painful
Words can be hurtful
If one is not careful

Words can bring Hope
Words can cause despair
Words can awake or shake
Words can make or break
Words can show mindfulness
They can make one delightful
Words can show thoughtfulness
They can make one blissful

Words can nail the heart
They can pull one apart
Using words is an art
Deserving alertness on one’s part
Words can pierce the Soul
Every word has a role
Which when told
Does have a hold

Words have life  in them
They can entice or capsize
Words can cause a strife
They can sometimes reconcile
Words have their own ways
They can be a complement
Words can spark an argument
They can also form crucial part of a document

Words have their own ways
They can spin a poem
 Words can make one feel dumb
They can bring about esteem
Words can create vibes
Positive or negative
When positive can work wonders
Why use the negative?

Words Once let out
Cannot be drawn in
Take some time to spare
Use words with care

                                                - Nandini Anandkumar